Program Development
Identifying stakeholder needs
Assistance organizing design team
Entitlement oversight
Concept-level budgeting and scheduling
Act as liaison for project team members
Manage planning and design professionals around common outcome
Work with owner to refine design goals into clear document set
Communicate all program changes to project team consistently and effectively
Oversight of energy efficiency measures and renewables, coordinate value engineering exercises and oversight of permitting process

Bidding & Construction Management
Development of Requests for Proposals (RFP)
Identify and interview qualified general contractors with owner
Bid evaluation and recommendations
Assist in contracting phase and identify project specific consultants
Coordinate an established procedure for routine administration of project
Attend and participate in weekly Owner, Architect, Contractor meetings
Site walks for quality control
Monitor schedule and budget
Oversee change order requests
Monitor conformity with construction contracts
Review and evaluate monthly payment requisitions for compliance

Assist in securing Certificate of Occupancy
Monitor timely completion of punch list
Assist owner with final construction costs analysis
Coordinate with contractor and architect in assembling all as-built documents, O&M manuals, warranties and attic stock
Ensure contractor has trained owner and/or property manager on operational use of building and mechanical equipment
Facilitate commissioning of building
Assist in creating maintenance plans
Understanding of homeowners associations
Ongoing building energy monitoring as needed